Effervescent - Web Crawler - Article
  Designing A Web Crawler Friendly Web Site


Most of the successful online businesses are driven by the different tools of technology that have played a significant role for them in achieving their goals. However, one thing which is common between the successful business websites is their profound knowledge of SEO. If we put it in simple words, good knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can get you noticed in the vast world of internet.

Usually businesses look for good rankings on the search engines as they are the first places where they get noticed by the visitors. Search engines scan every page of the website using their computer program called ‘web crawler’, which is a combination of art and science. You have to be artistic as well as logical for achieving desired results on search engines for getting noticed by the ‘web crawlers’ and achieving the desired goals.

Here are some essential and useful tips that can help you in getting your website noticed by the web crawlers.

Understand the SEO and Content of Your Website

The first thing that you need to do for getting a good search engine ranking is to get your website noticed by the web crawlers using best SEO techniques. Web crawlers take your website into consideration only if it contains the desired information and data they are looking for on different web pages. The information on your website is the major point that determines your ranking on the search engine page.

Avoid Constructing Websites with Several Frames

Developing website with numerous frames hampers the entry of web crawlers on your website, as most of the web crawlers are unable to cross the frames. Without the penetration of web crawlers your webpage remains unindexed and unranked on several search engines. Only Google and Inktome are the exceptions that can penetrate the frame and gather information.

Enter URL wherever possible

Re-writing URL if they have frames in it is beneficial from SEO point of view. Frameless URL’s can be accessed easily not only by the web crawlers but also by the humans. After completing the task, submit your website to various search engines. You can get this process done either by the professional SEO expert or you can do it on your own.

Design Your Own Crawler Page

The last resort of making your website web crawler friendly is to design your own web crawler page. This page will comprise all the links of every page of your website, where you can use title of every page as their link text. With this you can also add the number of keywords to your website and your crawler page works as a site map of your website.

Follow these simple tips and wait for few months, you will witness that your website is getting noticed by the web crawlers and you have received high ranking on the web crawlers index as well as good ranking on search engines.